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My Desktop Experience

Posted on 2 October 2023.
learn linux hyprland dotfiles


Here you will learn how to configure neovim, a powerful and extensible text editor. We will explore various plugins, keybindings, and configurations that will smoothen your developer experience. Then we will look into how I set up my Tmux to achieve maximum efficiency.

Here you will learn how to configure hyprland, a power and highly customizable dynamic tiling Wayland compositor. I will also include utilities such as a status bar, notification daemon, a terminal emulator, rofi and others.


The project is built such that it makes installing the dotfiles and the dependencies effortlessly.

First clone the repository containing the configuration files.

git clone

Then run the install script.

cd hyprland.dotfiles

NOTE: Running the install script will delete your old dotfiles for the applications included in this repo. Make a backup if you don’t want to lose them and always check the sh scripts before running them.

NOTE: The install script is still WIP and is not finished yet. Report any bugs you encounter to the issues page.

Tips and Tricks




Feel free to use the github repo and make changes to it as you wish.