MonkeyLang Interpreter in Haskell
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Small cli tool that allows to switch between the different lexer implementations and tokenize from stdin. (basic, monad, state, parsec)
cat program.monkey | cabal run haskell basic
Tools used
Some useful things to know before the implementation
Haskell String
type is actually a linked list of Char
. This is not very
performant, e.g., length
and indexing (!!)
operations are O(N). Also,
indexing is unsafe (can “panic”). ByteString
is an alternative to the
standard String
. With this data type we have O(1) operations and built in
safe indexing (!?)
that return Maybe
types (Option
in Rust).
For this reason I have created a type alias that I used in my implementation
type Input = ByteString
I created a separate Token module to help with having the same format across different implementations of lexers.
In this module we can define our Token enum. We can do that with the data
keyword like so
data Token
= Illegal
| Eof
| Ident String
deriving (Show, Eq)
this is equivalent to the Rust code
#[derive(Debug, PartialEq, Eq)]
enum Token {
This basically means that we have a data type called Token
which has (in this
example) 3 constructors, Illegal
, Eof
and Indent
. The Ident
can also hold a String
value as a container.
>>> myIllegalToken :: Token = Illegal
>>> myIdentToken :: Token = Ident "myIdent"
-- :: Token is not required, but it helps to visualize the type
Next we can define a common type for our lexing function. We want a function
that will take in a String
and return a list of tokens [Token]
. I decided
to not require a ByteString
here, because we can convert the String
internally and not have the user of this library concern with the input type.
This means that we are going to have a function tokenize
at some point with
the following definition
tokenize :: String -> [Token]
To enforce the rule that all implementations will have this type we can create a type alias for this function like this
type Tokenizer = String -> [Token]
and now we can do
tokenize :: Tokenizer
which is the same thing.
We can also add here some helper functions, for example we can implement a
function that checks if a character Char
is part of an identifier or not. In
the book they use a-zA-Z_
. In Haskell we can use the ==
function to check
if two things are equal. And the ||
function to perform the or
operation on
truth values, like any other language.
For example we can try to implmenet the isIdentChar
like this
isIdentChar :: Char -> Bool
isIdentChar c = c == 'a' || c == 'b' ...
however this is to difficult to maintain, so we can also make use of a range
>>> ['a'..'z']
this is equivalent to doing a range in Rust like this ('a'..='z')
. In Haskell
the ranges are inclusive by default, not the best in my opinion, but it is what
it is. Next we need to check if the character is in this generated String
. We
can use elem
for this
isIdentChar c = elem c ['a'..'z'] || elem c ['A'..'Z'] || c == '_'
We can also use the infix notation (or however it is called) to convert a function into an operator
isIdentChar c = c `elem` ['a'..'z'] || c `elem` ['A'..'Z'] || c == '_'
now instead of taking the arguments from the next two positions, elem
take them from the lefthand side and righthand side.
To make everything cleaner we have a function isLetter
in Data.Char
that checks if a character is a-zA-Z
isIdentChar :: Char -> Bool
isIdentChar c = isLetter c || c == '_'
Next let’s implement a function that will take in a String
value and will
return a Token
that represents the given keyword or identifier. It is
basically a map from a string to a token. We can do that in Haskell by using
the usual if ... else
statements that everyone is familiar with. First let us
imagine that we only care about “fn”, “let” and identifiers
identToken :: String -> Token
identToken ident = if ident == "fn" then Function else if ident == "let" then Let else Ident x
we can see that this can get out of hand really quickly, so as many other
languages Haskell has a switch kind of statement case ... of
identToken :: String -> Token
identToken ident = case ident of
"fn" -> Function
"let" -> Let
x -> Ident x
this looks nice and is easier to maintain, but I prefer to use pattern matching when possible
identToken :: String -> Token
identToken "fn" = Function
identToken "let" = Let
identToken x = Ident x
this is pretty much the same as the one above, but we explicitly define a function for each case. Haskell will try each one from top to bottom until one matches and then it will execute it.
shows how one would implement the lexer by following the book.
Book.hs is a module that will export a tokenize
First we need to define the data structure that will hold the lexer. We can do
this by using the data
data Lexer = Lexer Input Int Int Char
then, to create a new Lexer we can create a function that takes in an Input and returns a Lexer.
newLexer :: Input -> Lexer
newLexer input = Lexer input 0 0 '\0'
however this is not very intuitive, what does each Int
mean and what is the
? Because of this we can actually use a more verbose way of defining this
data type by using records
data Lexer = Lexer
{ input :: Input -- The input string
, position :: Int -- The position of the cursor
, readPosition :: Int -- The position of the reading head
, ch :: Char -- The current character
and the syntax to instantiate the structure (very similar to Rust btw) is like this
newLexer :: Input -> Lexer
newLexer input =
{ input = input
, position = 0
, readPosition = 0
, ch = '\0'
With this definition we will be able to access the fields of a lexer using the
record names. For example lets say that we have a lexer :: Lexer
, then we can
access the input by doing input lexer
, or we can use readPosition lexer
get the readPosition. We can even craft a more complex example, lets say
input lexer !? readPosition lexer
which would return the lookahead character. This is similar to indexing in a list
or to be more precise it would be the same as
because it returns an optional value, in Haskell it is called Maybe
With this information we can try to build a peek
function. This will be
responsible for giving us the character that is under the reading head, or the
null \0
character if we are outside of the bounds. This function will receive
the Lexer as an argument and it will return a character.
peek :: Lexer -> Char
Right now we know how to index the ByteString and get a Maybe of out it. But
how do we extract the Char from the optional? For this we can use a case ...
case input lexer !? readPosition lexer of
Just c -> c
Nothing -> '\0'
Similar to how Option in Rust has two constructors (Some and None), the Maybe
type in Haskell has two as well one called Just
that holds the value (Some)
and an empty one Nothing
There is however a shorter way of writting this, by using the fromMaybe
function, located in Data.Maybe
. This function takes a default value and a
Maybe value and will work exactly as the case from above. (unwrap_or
Now we can finally write the function as
peek lexer = fromMaybe '\0' (input lexer BS.!? readPosition lexer)
Now let us try to create a function that takes in a lexer and gives us a token. (imagine that we only care for the left squirly for now and don’t have whitespace)
nextToken :: Lexer -> Token
nextToken lexer = case ch lexer of
'{' -> LSquirly
_ -> Illegal
>>> nextToken (newLexer "hi")
>>> nextToken (newLexer "{hello}")
so if we find a left squirly we return the LSquirly
type otherwise we return
. But what if we want the token after this one? If we call nextToken
again on the lexer we would get the same result twice
>>> lexer = newLexer "{hello}"
>>> nextToken lexer
>>> nextToken lexer
To understand how to tackle this issue lets try to implement the advance
function. This function will move the cursor of the lexer one position forward.
It will basically take in a Lexer
and return a new one with the fields
advance :: Lexer -> Lexer
In Haskell the variables are immutable, this means that the functions will create new instances (clone) each time they are called. If we want to update the values inside a structure we need to copy all the fields and instantiate a new one. So advance will looks like this
advance lexer =
{ input = input lexer
, position = readPosition lexer
, readPosition = readPosition lexer + 1
, ch = peek lexer
however copying each field can be tedious in large structures, so there is some
syntactic sugar which allows you to not specify all fields by doing an
“update” on the lexer
argument (or binding in FP world)
advance lexer =
{ position = readPosition lexer
, readPosition = readPosition lexer + 1
, ch = peek lexer
still not great but it can be useful to know this trick.
Now we can try to implement our nextToken
function in terms of advance
, so
we just need to make the nextToken function return both the token and the next
lexer. We can use tuples for that
nextToken :: Lexer -> (Token, Lexer)
nextToken lexer = case ch lexer of
'{' -> (LSquirly, advance lexer)
_ -> (Illegal, advance lexer)
Now if we take the example from before
>>> nextToken (newLexer "hi")
>>> lexer = newLexer "{hello}"
>>> (token, lexer) = nextToken lexer
>>> token
>>> (token, lexer) = nextToken lexer
>>> token
we can see that we can actually move the lexer forward. Altough it is pretty
tedious to do it by hand. Lets try to make a recursive function that runs until
eof. This function will return a list of tokens [Token]
instead of just a
single one (like nextToken does)
go :: Lexer -> [Token]
As we have seen, the first thing to do is to get the next token using
nextToken lexer
. A useful statement in Haskell is let ... in
which allows
you to define a variable in the let
block and then use it in the in
go lexer = let (token, lexer') = nextToken lexer
in undefined
now instead of undefined we need to add our base case and the recursive call,
as we said, if we find the Eof
token we stop, this will be the base case
-- we return [Eof] at the end because this is how it is done in the book
go lexer = let (token, lexer') = nextToken lexer
in if token == Eof then [Eof] else undefined
but how do we recursively build the list of tokens? Let us imagine that the go function is done, and we just call it like so
>>> tokens = go lexer
you can prepend a new token to tokens
by using the cons (:) function
>>> LSquirly : tokens
[LSquirly, ........]
with this in mind we can actually replace the undefined
with token : go lexer'
go lexer = let (token, lexer') = nextToken lexer
in if token == Eof then [Eof] else token : go lexer'
Now to integrate the go
function with our Tokenizer
type we can do the following
(don’t forget to call advance once, aka read the book)
-- pack is part of ByteString and it converts from String to ByteString
tokenize :: Tokenizer
tokenize input = go (advance (newLexer (pack input)))
here we pack
the String
input into a ByteString
, then we build a Lexer
then we advance the lexer one position and then we run the tokenizer to get the
list of tokens.
We can also write this in a prettier way by using $
instead of (…)
tokenize :: Tokenizer
tokenize input = go $ advance $ newLexer $ pack input
and to be cool haskelers we can do an Eta reduction and use .
tokenize :: Tokenizer
tokenize = go . advance . newLexer . pack
We can also we case ... of
instead of if else and write the function like this
tokenize :: Tokenizer
tokenize = go . advance . newLexer . BS.pack -- you can qualify imports to have "namespaces"
go lexer = case nextToken lexer of
(Eof, _) -> [Eof]
(token, lexer') -> token : go lexer'
The where
syntax is the reverse of let ... in
, it allows you to use a thing
in the current block that you will define in the where statement (or at least
this is how I viewed it the first time I saw it and stick with it).
Next we can define more helper functions. For example skipWhitespace
will advance the lexer while we encounter whitespace characters. We also have a
function that will read while it find an identifier character
(a-zA-Z_). And the last one is readInt
which will read while it find a digit
(0-9). (I will probably do the rest at some point)
skipWhitespace :: Lexer -> Lexer -- create a new lexer that has all the whitespace consumed
readIdent :: Lexer -> (String, Lexer) -- gives us an identifier as a `String` and the lexer with the input consumed
readInt :: Lexer -> (String, Lexer) -- same but for int literals
Keeping in mind all the whitespaces and more tokens the nextToken
would look like this
nextToken :: Lexer -> (Token, Lexer)
nextToken lexer = (token, lexer'') -- return the token and the lexex that we will define in where
lexer' = skipWhitespace lexer -- create a new lexer that starts with an interesting character
(token, lexer'') =
case ch lexer' of
'{' -> (LSquirly, advance lexer')
'!' -> -- if we find a `bang`
if peek lexer' == '=' -- we peek and check if the next character is `=`
then (NotEqual, advance $ advance lexer') -- if yes we return `NotEqual` and have to advance twice on `lexer'`
-- once for `!` and once for `=`
else (Bang, advance lexer') -- otherwise we just have a `Bang`
c | isIdentChar c -> -- if we have a character `c` that satisfies `isIdentChar c`
let (str, lexer''') = readIdent lexer' -- we do `readIdent` and get a string and a new lexer (''' why? crying)
in (identToken str, lexer''') -- and we use our mapping from the beginning to return the right Token
_ -> (Illegal, advance lexer') -- otherwise it is an illegal token, but we still have to advance
You can see how manually handling the lexer can be very painful. I usually like
to use apostrophe
in the name to indicate a new one (how one might do
variable1, variable2, etc), but at some point it becomes hard to keep track
which one you have to use.
The issue that we had in the Book implementation is that it is really hard to keep track of each instance of the Lexer in the nextToken function. We want something like
impl Lexer {
next_token(&mut self) -> Token {
// do whatever
We still need part of our old code for this implementation
type Input = ByteString
data Lexer = Lexer
{ input :: Input
, position :: Int
, readPosition :: Int
, ch :: Char
newLexer :: Input -> Lexer
newLexer input =
{ input = input
, position = 0
, readPosition = 0
, ch = '\0'
Previously, we had a nextToken
function that was taking in a Lexer and was
outputing a (Token, Lexer) tuple. We want to abstract this type in a Monad. I
know “it is just a monoid in the category of endofunctors, what’s the problem?”.
First we define a data type that will store the function.
data LexerT = LexerToken { runLexer :: Lexer -> (Token, Lexer) }
But what if we want to tokenize a list of tokens, or return a string, or unit
? We would have to define a constructor for each type.
data LexerT = LexerToken { runLexer :: Lexer -> (Token, Lexer) }
| LexerTokens { runLexer :: Lexer -> ([Token], Lexer)}
| LexerString { runLexer :: Lexer -> (String, Lexer)}
| LexerUnit { runLexer :: Lexer -> ((), Lexer)}
if you can see a pattern here you are right. We can actually make use of generics (suck on that Go) to not have to write each constructor manually
newtype LexerT a = LexerT { runLexer :: Lexer -> (a, Lexer)}
Now we can have a runLexer for any type of a, we can have LexerT Token
parses a single token, LexerT [Token]
that parses a list of tokens, etc. We
can also use newtype
instead of data
because we have a single constructor
with a single field (this allows for some optimizations I think, because it can
be considered just a simple function).
This is the same as you would define a generic structure in Rust
struct LexerT<T> {
runLexer: impl Fn(Lexer) -> (T, Lexer);
Lets say that we have a function parseInt :: LexerT String
and we want to
convert the String
to a Token
, basically change the type from LexerT
to LexerT Token
. We can do this by running the lexer, looking inside
the tuple, building a new tuple and return it. It would be something like this
>>> lexer = newLexer ... blah blah ...
>>> (value, lexer') = runLexer parseInt lexer
>>> result = (Int value, lexer')
wait… that is just what we were doing before. Lets try to make this easier by
implementing Functor
for our data type (I have no idea how to make this
friendly for beginners but)
To implement the Functor class we need to define the fmap
function. Similar
to how we implement traits in Rust. This function take as arguments a function
and a functor and applies the function on the inside value and will return the
functor, but with the inside changed.
instance Functor LexerT where
fmap f (LexerT m) = LexerT $ \lexer ->
let (a, lexer') = m lexer
in (f a, lexer')
is our functionm
is the record of theLexerT
type, which is therunLexer
we have to create a new LexerT functor\lexer -> ...
is a lambda function that takes in aLexer
and will return us a tuple; this lambda will be the new record of the functorlet (a, lexer') = m lexer
will run the lexer and give us the results, ana
and the new lexerlexer'
in (f a, lexer')
applies the functionf
on the the resulta
and returns the tuple
With this class implemented we can write the code from above as
>>> lexer = newLexer ... blah blah ...
>>> result = runLexer (fmap Int parseInt) lexer
this can also be rewritten as
>>> lexer = newLexer ... blah blah ...
>>> result = runLexer (Int <$> parseInt) lexer
to use the operator (<$>)
instead of the function fmap
Next thing. Say that you have a stringP :: LexerT String
a charP :: LexerT
and you want to prepend the Char
to the String
. Well, we know that we
can inject a function into a functor, but how to combine them
>>> lexer = newLexer ... blah blah ...
>>> charPWithFunction :: LexerT (String -> String) = (:) <$> charP
>>> (theFunction, lexer') = runLexer charPWithFunction lexer
>>> (string, lexer'') = runLexer stringP lexer'
>>> result = (theFunction string, lexer'')
intuitively this is what we were doing before, in the Book implementation. To
not have to do this manually each time we can implement the Applicative
class, which requires two function, pure
and <*>
instance Applicative LexerT where
pure a = LexerT $ \lexer -> (a, lexer)
(<*>) (LexerT mf) (LexerT ma) = LexerT $ \lexer ->
let (f, lexer') = mf lexer
(a, lexer'') = ma lexer'
in (f a, lexer'')
takes in athing
and creates aLexerT
that always returns that thing<*>
does all the stuff that we did manually abovemf
(yes, I know you read it m**er) is the Functor with the functionma
is the functor with the valuelet (f, lexer') = mf lexer
we get the function and the new lexer(a, lexer'') = ma lexer'
then we get the value and the new new lexer (see how it saves us from dealing with ‘’’?)in (f a, lexer'')
runs the function f on the result a and returns the new new lexer
So now we can rewrite the thing from above as
>>> lexer = newLexer ... blah blah ...
>>> charPWithFunction :: LexerT (String -> String) = (:) <$> charP
>>> result = runLexer (charPWithFunction <*> stringP) lexer
or even more concise
>>> lexer = newLexer ... blah blah ...
>>> result = runLexer ((:) <$> charP <*> stringP) lexer
For Monad I don’t really have an explanation of why we need it, other than it
allows us to use do
notation. Monad only requires a single function to be
implemented >>=
(bind). I am not very experienced with monads, but from what
I know it is used to sequence together multiple monads.
instance Monad LexerT where
(LexerT m) >>= k = LexerT $ \lexer ->
let (a, lexer') = m lexer
in runLexer (k a) lexer'
takes in a monadLexerT a
and a functionk
that build a monad from a valuelet (a, lexer') = m lexer
as usual we run the lexer and get the result and the new lexerk a
here we build a new monad froma
in runLexer (k a) lexer'
we run again the lexer with the new monad
You can think of >>=
as doing
main = monad >>= function
main = do
myThing <- monad
function myThing
and of >>
(Because we implemented >>=
in Monad we get >>
for free is like
default functions on Traits) as doing
main = monad >> function
main = do
_ <- monad -- discards the result
You might say that this is very similar to functor and yes, it just runs the
lexer at the end again in this one. I guess this is why the meme quote. But now
we can use do
with our LexerT
We can build the peek function in terms of LexerT
now. This will return a
value of Char
when executed.
peek :: LexerT Char
peek = LexerT $ \lexer -> (fromMaybe '\0' $ input lexer BS.!? readPosition lexer, lexer)
The logic of getting the character stays the same, but we need to add some boilerplate code to make it easier later.
Lets also implement a getter for the Char
inside the Lexer
current :: LexerT Char
current = LexerT $ \lexer -> (ch lexer, lexer)
And also the advance function
advance :: LexerT ()
advance = LexerT $ \lexer ->
( ()
, lexer
{ position = readPosition lexer
, readPosition = readPosition lexer + 1
, ch = fromMaybe '\0' $ input lexer BS.!? readPosition lexer
Now we also need to reimplement the helper function from before
skipWhitespace :: LexerT ()
readIdent :: LexerT String
readInt :: LexerT String
And finally we can rewrite nextToken
nextToken :: LexerT Token
nextToken = do
skipWhitespace -- skip the whitespace
ch <- current -- get the current character
case ch of
'{' -> LSquirly <$ advance -- if it is { then return LSquirly and advance the lexer
'!' -> do
p <- peek -- peek the lookahead character
if p == '='
then NotEqual <$ advance <* advance -- if it is `=` we return `NotEqual` and advance twice (same reason as before)
else Bang <$ advance -- otherwise we return `Bang` and advance once
c | isIdentChar c -> identToken <$> readIdent -- if we have an identifier character we read the string ident
-- and then convert it to Token using the mapping
-- no need to advance here because readIdent will advance for us
_ -> Illegal <$ advance -- otherwise it is an illegal token and we advance
this is much easier to read and maintain.
To implement the tokenize function let’s look again at the go
go :: LexerT [Token]
go = do
token <- nextToken -- get the next token
case token of
Eof -> pure [Eof] -- if the token is `Eof` then we just create a LexerT that returns `[Eof]` when executed
_ -> (token :) <$> go -- otherwise we need to prepend the current token to the result of calling `go` again
-- but since go returns a `LexerT [Token]`, which is a functor, we have to inject the
-- `(token :)` that we used in the Book implementation with `fmap` into the LexerT
you can see that lexer'
is not longer needed in this case.
Finally we can implement the tokenize function
tokenize :: Tokenizer
tokenize =
fst -- 5. we take the first element in the tuple since runLexer
-- returns the tokens and the new lexer
. runLexer -- 4. we run the lexer
(advance >> go) -- 3. we advance once the lexer and then run go on it
. newLexer -- 2. we build the Lexer with the input
. BS.pack -- 1. we pack the String into ByteString
Lexer.State Control.Monad.State
Instead of implementing the instances of Functors and Monads manually, we can actually use the package mtl. This includes monad classes that would be useful to us.
For example the State
monad, which is what we implemented with LexerT
There are a few differences however, mostly in the naming of the functions. We
will need to import the import Control.Monad.State
First we have to change the LexerT
to a type alias
type LexerT = State Lexer
Then in tokenize
the runLexer
needs to be replaced by runState
tokenize :: Tokenizer
tokenize = fst . runState (advance >> go) . newLexer . BS.pack
but there is an even better one, evalState
, which does the fst
for us
tokenize :: Tokenizer
tokenize = evalState (advance >> go) . newLexer . BS.pack
Then nextToken
stays the same. So we go to peek
peek :: LexerT Char
peek = do
input <- gets input
readPosition <- gets readPosition
pure $ fromMaybe '\0' $ input BS.!? readPosition
which makes use of the gets
function of the State
if you want to compare to
how I would write the Lexer.Monad
version in do notation here it is
peek :: LexerT Char
peek = do
let getInput = input
let getReadPosition = readPosition
LexerT $ \lexer -> (fromMaybe '\0' $ getInput lexer BS.!? getReadPosition lexer, lexer)
Next the current
current :: LexerT Char
current = gets ch
will be just a call to gets
, pretty much how the Lexer.Monad implementation
was. And the last one is advance
advance :: LexerT ()
advance = modify $ \lexer ->
{ input = input lexer
, ch = fromMaybe '\0' $ input lexer BS.!? readPosition lexer
, position = readPosition lexer
, readPosition = readPosition lexer + 1
which uses modify
also a function from State
that takes as input a function
State -> State
. It basically creates a new state from the current one, based
on the lambda function that we provided.
Now we also need to copy the helper function from before, since they will be the same.
Lexer.Lens Control.Lens
Record syntax in Haskell is not very user friendly. Reading and updating fields
is verbose and using lenses makes it more like to to other languages where
is equivalent to record.field
and record & field .~ value
is equivalent to let mut temp = record.clone(); temp.field = value; temp
For example given a record
{ input :: String
, position :: Int
, readPosition :: Int
, ch :: Char
if we have a lexer record
lexer = Lexer { input = "input", position = 0, readPosition = 0, ch = 'a' }
and we wanted to increment the position
field we would have to do something like
lexer' = lexer { position = position lexer + 1 }
and we wanted to increment the readPosition
field we would have to do
lexer' = lexer { readPosition = readPosition lexer + 1 }
and if we wanted to update the ch
field to a ‘b’ we would have to do something like
lexer' = lexer { ch = 'b' }
and if we wanted to replace the input
field with only its first two characters (unsafe) we would have to do something like
lexer' = lexer { input = take 2 (input lexer) }
so this entire update was
lexer' = lexer { input = take 2 (input lexer), position = position lexer + 1, readPosition = readPosition lexer + 1, ch = 'b' }
with lenses we can do this
lexer' = lexer & input %~(take 2) & position +~1 & readPosition +~1 & ch .~ 'b'
This seems trivial here but when if we have a record with many fields it becomes very verbose and hard to read particularly with nested records.
In our code we can do the following (we need to enable {-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-}
type Input = ByteString
data Lexer = Lexer
{ _input :: Input
, _position :: Int
, _readPosition :: Int
, _ch :: Char
makeLenses ''Lexer
Most of the functions will stay the same, however we need to change the
function since we change the structure of Lexer
newLexer :: Input -> Lexer
newLexer i = Lexer
{ _input = i
, _position = 0
, _readPosition = 0
, _ch = '\0'
Since our LexerT
is an instance of MonadState
we can use the combinators
and operators provided by the lens
One of these operators is use :: MonadState s m => Lens s a -> m a
simply gets the current state and returns the focused field.
Therefore the peek
and current
functions will look like the following
peek :: LexerT Char
peek = do
readPos <- use readPosition
buffer <- use input
pure $ fromMaybe '\0' (buffer BS.!? readPos)
current :: LexerT Char
current = use ch
The (.=) :: MonadState s m => Lens s a -> a -> m ()
operators allows us
to set the field, focused by the lens on the lhs, of the current state
to the value of the rhs.
There are also operators for modifying %=
, adding +=
, etc..
By prepending <
to the operator it will return the new value
of the focused field and prepending <<
will return the old value.
Thus we can write the advance
function like this
advance :: LexerT ()
advance = do
readPos <- readPosition <<+= 1 -- Increment and return the old value.
buffer <- use input
ch .= fromMaybe '\0' (buffer BS.!? readPos)
position .= readPos
Notice that <<+=
and .=
are user defined operators,
while <-
is the language syntax for monadic bind.
The lens library also provides Prism
s and Traversal
s as a very powerfull
way to work with sum types and containers.
However I think for a simple program like this lenses are overkill but
I guess it is more of a prefernce, which one you like more.
Personally I prefer to use {-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-}
, rather than
lens, which allows you to do the following
advance :: LexerT ()
advance = modify $ \lexer@Lexer{..} ->
{ input = input
, ch = fromMaybe '\0' $ input BS.!? readPosition
, position = readPosition
, readPosition = readPosition + 1
instead of
advance :: LexerT ()
advance = modify $ \lexer ->
{ input = input lexer
, ch = fromMaybe '\0' $ input lexer BS.!? readPosition lexer
, position = readPosition lexer
, readPosition = readPosition lexer + 1
Lexer.Parsec Text.Megaparsec
We can also go full degen mode and implement the lexer using monadic parser combinators.
For the implementation I have followd the megaparsec tutorial.
For this implementation I have used the Text
type instead of ByteString
because it was easier, and it should be similar in performance.
type Input = Text
Next we will define the Lexer. This is very simiar to our State implementation,
but we no longer have to keep track of all the fields (input
, ch
, etc.),
Parsec will do that for us.
type Lexer = Parsec Void Input
the important part here is that we define the input of the parser to be of type
, and if we enable overloaded strings with {-# LANGUAGE
OverloadedStrings #-}
we will be able to use basic strings as Text.
I won’t go too much into detail, as all the functions are explained in the tutorial, but let’s look at how we handle identP now
identP :: Lexer String
identP = T.unpack <$> lexeme (takeWhile1P Nothing isIdentChar)
as before, we build a parser that reads from the input while we have an ident
character, but instead of having to implement all the helper functions by hand
we can use the megaparsec library. In the tutorial, they also apply the
function, which will consume all the whitespace after the token. And
finally, since we set the input of the parser to Text
we will also get back a
type, so we have to explicitly unpack it to a String. (intP is the same)
When we implement the nextToken
function we no longer have to deal with
manually calling advance, peek, etc. All this complexity will be handled by the
Parsec data type.
For example, this is how our nextToken
function will look like compared to
the previous ones
nextToken :: Lexer Token
nextToken =
choice -- sequentially attempt each parser in the list
-- the order in which we do the parsing matters
[ LSquirly <$ symbol "{" -- `symbol` will check if the given string matches with the current input
, try (NotEqual <$ symbol "!=") -- we will try to find "!=", if we fail we don't consume any input
-- this is because we want to be able to use "!" in other matches
<|> (Bang <$ symbol "!") -- for example with bang
, identToken <$> identP -- we attempt to read an ident; we do this one last, because we know
-- that the only possibiliy now is to find an ident (because everything else failed)
, Illegal <$ lexeme anySingle -- if literally everything failed we add an Illegal token and consume one character
this is much simpler, since we do not have to keep track of using advance
The only tricky part is that the order in which you check each parser matters.
This is because if the symbol
parser matches any substring then it will
consume the input. And if that is not intended you have to use try
, which
slows down the parsing (so use it sparingly, and design the parser in a better
For example, if we have symbol "abcd"
and the input is “abkekw”, if we apply
the the symbol on the input, we will be left with “kekw” as the rest of the
input and an error as output. But if we use try
, the rest of the input will
be “abkekw”, but the output will still be an error.
Now, to get all the tokens, we can use the many
parser combinator and eof
like so
tokensP = sc *> many nextToken <* eof
first we remove any whitespace with sc
, then we read 0 or more tokens with
many nextToken
and then we check that we reached eof
As I said, the parsing can fail, for example if we do not cover all the cases
(if the parsing is non exhaustive I guess), so if we run the parser (with the
function) we will get a Result type, in Haskell it is called Either
and has to constructors Left
(usually used for Errors “Err”) and Right
(usually used for result “Ok”). The lexer will be implemented such that it
cannot fail (in general, lexers will never fail, but will have special tokens
in our case to indicate errors during tokenization), but we still
have to handle the Result part.
tokenize :: Tokenizer
tokenize input = case parse tokensP "" $ T.pack input of
Left err -> error ("lexer should not fail" ++ errorBundlePretty err)
Right tokens -> tokens ++ [Eof]
tokensP = sc *> many nextToken <* eof
in case we encounter an error we just do an “unreachable”, otherwise we return the tokens.
Similar to the Token module, I have created an AST module that will hold the definition of the abstract syntax tree of the Monkey Lang language.
From the book, a program is a list of statements
newtype Program = Program [Statement]
deriving (Show, Eq)
again, this can be seen as an enum with a single constructor that takes in a
list of type Statement
. Next we also define the Statement
and Expression
data types.
The Statement
data type will contain all the “non-value” expressions of the
language, such as let
, return
and blocks (a block is a list of
For the Statement
data type I have included a IllegalStatement
such that it is easier to handle errors. For example, if we encounter an
unexpected token, or somehow we find an error, we consume the input until we
find a ;
(semicolon) and then return an illegal statement.
The Expression
data type will contain all the “value” expressions of the
language. You can think of them as terms that can be used in other
For example, we can add two expression with the +
operator, but we cannot add
a let
and something else, because let
does not return anything.
To be able to have multiple implementations, we can also define a common type for the parser.
type Ast = [Token] -> Program
Our parser will take in a list of tokens and will build the tree structure of the program.
In the Lexer we have used Parsec and passed in as input Text
, basically a
list of characters. But this data type is generic such that it can actually
take in as input any type of list of elements. For instance, we can use
as the input for our parser and have all the function we have seen
previously (such as many
, try
, etc.) to work for Token for free.
type Input = [Token]
type Parser = Parsec Void Input
What is great about using tokens as input is that we no longer have to deal with whitespaces. So we can check token after token, knowing that if we fail it means that there was a problem and not a whitespace.
First we need a function that is similar to symbol
. It will check if a token
from the input stream is equal to what we provide as argument
tokenP :: Token -> Parser Token
tokenP t = satisfy (== t)
we can use the satisfy function, which will check if the predicate holds for the current token in the input. If it does, then it will parse it, otherwise fail.
The next helper function is identP
, which will parse an ident token and
return it’s name
identP :: Parser String
identP = satisfy isIdent >>= \case
(Ident t) -> return t
_ -> fail "Expected identifier"
where isIdent (Ident _) = True
isIdent _ = False
we can also use satisfy. (I don’t know if this is the best way, because we do two matches, and one is useless)
With these helpers and the function from megaparsec, we can create a parser for
our grammar. It is really straigh forward (following the tutorial for megaparsec).
The only tricky part is parsing arithmentic expressions, where we have to split
out Expression
type into termP
and expressionP
. And then we have to use
with a table of operators to parse the expressions.
Finally we will be able to parse a program as a list of statements
programP :: Parser Program
programP = Program <$> manyTill statementP' (tokenP Eof)
and again we will just export a function that parses a program from a list of tokens
ast :: Ast
ast s = case parse programP "" s of
Left err -> error ("parser should not fail" ++ show err)
Right p -> p
Any changes in terms of performance, refactoring, adding other lexers are welcome.