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Posted on 11 October 2023.
javascript linux git


Tom’s a genius



jdsl init <URL>
jdsl run <ClassName> <FunctionName>

This will checkout the svn repo from URL and then it will attempt to run the ClassName.FunctionName as the entrypoint. As I said, Tom’s a genius.



Start the JDSL project by running jdsl init <URL>, where URL is the path to the svn project. This will create a local copy of the project in a directory ./project, where project is the name of you project.

Adding Features

When you want to add a completly new class, you will first have to create a file ClassName.json. This will define how the class behaves. For example

    "File" : "Hello.json",
    "Class" : "Hello",
    "Author" : "",
    "Purpose" : "",
    "Functions" : [

This represents the Hello class, which will be written in the Hello.js file. The important field in this json file is the Functions one. This is an array that contains all the revisions where JDSL (the greatest tool) will have to search for functions that are defined for this class.

Basically, JDSL will do an svn update -r <REV> for each item of the array and it will build the Hello class.

When you want to add a new function to a class, you will have to overwrite all the contents in its .js file with your new code.

For example, let’s say that we want to add a Hello World function to our Hello class. We open the Hello.js file and write the following

Hello.prototype.SayHelloWorld = function() {
    console.log("Hello World");

Then we do an svn commit. This will tell us the revision number, which we will have to add in the “Functions” array. Let’s say that it was 15. We then have to update the json file to

    "File" : "Hello.json",
    "Class" : "Hello",
    "Author" : "",
    "Purpose" : "",
    "Functions" : [

and then commit again.

To run our newly added code to the project we can use the jdsl build tool.

jdsl run Hello SayHelloWorld

The build tool will create a javascript function that exports the Hello class and then it calls the function.


The entry point function will be able to get as argument an object with different util modules. So far you can access readline.

Hello.prototype.SayHelloWorld = function({readline}) {
    console.log("Hello World");
