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Haskell RSA

Posted on 11 October 2023.
haskell security math


RSA implementation in Haskell using

Example Results


λ> (public, private) = keygen Int Int

λ> encrypt public [Integral]

λ> decrypt private [Integral]

Key Generation

n is part of the public key and the private key e is part of the public key d is part of the private key

keygen returns a tuple formed by the public and private keys public = (n, e) private = (n, d)

  1. n is the product of two primes
  2. λ(n) is computed using Carmichael’s totient function but in this case since p and q are primes we can use the lcm formula
  3. e is computed such that λ(n) and e are coprime
  4. d is equal to the modular multiplicative inverse of λ(n)

Primes Generation

  1. Write down the list 2,3…
  2. Mark the first value as prime
  3. Remove multiples of p from the list
  4. Return to step 2
