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Posted on 14 August 2023.
svelte javascript firebase vercel


Habit Tracker is a web app I build to be able to keep track of daily habits more easily. Before this app I was using obsidian/notion. However I felt like it was easier to have a table on a piece of paper. So I wanted to implement a nicer looking piece of paper in the browser.


The application has 2 pages.

Initially the account comes with no daily habits. So you will have to come up with your own. I am not sure if I should add some default ones, or do a tutorial, so here are some examples I use:


To implement this app I have used the FKIT stack.

The application is built using sveltekit.

The application uses firebase to handle authentication and database storage.

For deployment I have used vercel.


Right now, the tools looks kind of bad on mobile if you have a lot of daily tasks.


This web app is great if you want to have a nice looking table with the status of your daily habits.