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Fried YouTube

Posted on 9 August 2023.
bash ffmpeg


This is a really simple bash scripting project I did as a meme. The tool works by downloading a video from youtube using youtube-dl, then it merges the video with another video vertically. The same way people do it on TikTok to get more views.

It is possible to use any youtube video URL for both the top video and bottom video. The only limitation is that you have to delete the minecraft.mp4 when you want to change the bottom video. I used the naming for cache, and because you will probably have one video for multiple shorts.


Run the script with the url that you want to watch. This will create a mp4 file that you can watch.

./ <URL/path> [optional_URL/path]

If you run it for the first time it will also have to download the minecraft video, but it is what it is.


Q: It takes so long.
A: I know, currently it does not support streaming so you have to wait for the entire video to generate first. Trust me, the dopamine will be worth it.

Q: What to do while I wait for the video to render?
A: Watch some TikTok.

Q: Can it also work on local files?
A: Yes. If the url is a file on the local machine it will use that instead.

Q: Can I change the default minecraft video?
A: Yes. Use the second argument as the url/path to the vertical bottom video.


This is a toy project I used to learn more ffmpeg. You can use it if you want to create a short video fast that uses some minecraft or subway surfers background.

TLDR: Transform YouTube in TikTok from the CLI.