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Posted on 4 August 2023.
lua neovim llm python flask


CodeHint is a plugin I implemented for NeoVim. The goal of this plugin is to make use of LLM’s to suggest hints for the source code file that you provide.


To be able to use this plugin you will require neovim 0.9.0+ and also have curl installed. Then to install the plugin you will need to use a package manager, for example packer



To setup the codehint plugin you will need to specify the provider. Currenly the plugin supports two options: openai and llama2.


In case you want to use openai (chatgpt) you need an OpenAI account and an api key. Then you have to call the setup function for the plugin and provide the api key in the input menu. Here is an example with the config:

    provider = "openai",
    args = {
        use_env = false,
        model = "gpt-3.5-turbo",

NOTE: When using the OpenAI provider you will require to enter the OpenAI API key. This will be requested the first time you call the hint function. The key will be saved on the nvim path at ~/.local/share/nvim/.openairc. You could also set use_env to true to use the OPENAI_API_KEY environment variable.

Llama 2

In case you want to use an open source alternative you can use the llama2 provider.

    provider = "llama2",
    args = {
        use_eval = false,

With use_eval true you will have to install gradio_client for Python. This is a current limitation of using hf spaces instead of a dedicated server for hosting llama2, but it is free.

pip install gradio_client

With use_eval false, the way to use llama2 is to setup a wrapper server using huggingface’s spaces and gradio_client. I provide the code for it here

from flask import Flask, request
from gradio_client import Client

app = Flask(__name__)

@app.route("/api/completions", methods=["POST"])
def completion():
    data = request.get_json()
    prompt = data["prompt"]

    client = Client("")
    result = client.predict(prompt, api_name="/chat_1")

    return result

if __name__ == "__main__":

To run the server you need to install the requirements and then run the script

pip install flask gradio_client

Then you will be able to use the server. Future plans include deploying such a server to a hosting service.

Code Hints

To get the code hints open up the buggy source code file and call the hint function:

:lua require("codehint").hint()

This should provide you with a diagnostic message that displays the hint for your problem.

Vim Config

An example of config can be seen below. It just maps the leader + h keys to call the hint function.

local codehint = require("codehint")

    provider = "openai",
    args = {
        use_env = false,
        model = "gpt-3.5-turbo",

vim.keymap.set("n", "<leader>h", codehint.hint)


This plugin is a wrapper around LLM endpoints that uses a custom system prompt, to make the AI predict bugs and hints for source code.